
GuidesComment mettre une cage de chasteté ? - Chastifyme

How to put on a chastity cage?

You are finally ready to put on your chastity cage after so much waiting. Regardless of how you came to this decision, you probably want to know how to go about it for your first time. Here is my ...

Infos & AstucesChasteté Masculine : Redéfinir la Virilité - Chastifyme

Male Chastity: Redefining Virility

Hello to you, dear control holders, dear submissives. Today I offer you a reflection that every dominatrix, however divine she may be, and that every submissive, however obedient he may be, will a...

Infos & AstucesLa puissance cachée derrière la chasteté masculine - Chastifyme

The hidden power behind male chastity

Today, while talking with my friend, a professional dominatrix, I reflected on a crucial aspect of my relationship with Théo, my submissive husband: the power I have over my partner's orgasms and h...

Infos & AstucesComment exciter son soumis en cage de chasteté ? - Chastifyme

How to excite your submissive in a chastity cage?

Hello, lovely reader. In this article, I suggest that you discuss together all the benefits of teasing within your relationship, through the chastity cage of course! We have seen in this article...

Infos & AstucesComment Aborder la Chasteté Masculine avec sa Partenaire ? - Chastifyme

How to Approach Male Chastity with Your Partner?

When you start a blog about male chastity and fetishism, it is common to receive questions from men wanting to know how to introduce the idea of ​​male chastity into their relationship, and how to ...

Infos & AstucesEn finir avec la pression des rapports sexuels - Chastifyme

Put an end to the pressure of sexual intercourse

One of the major benefits of using a male chastity cage is the significant reduction, if not elimination, of the pressure a woman feels to have sex. Indeed, before discovering male chastity and all...

Infos & AstucesGérer la libération de votre homme - Chastifyme

Managing your man's release

It is well known that women experience great pleasure when they reach orgasm, but this experience differs significantly from that of men. Indeed, mood, stress and hormonal fluctuations can cause a...

Infos & AstucesComment savoir si votre homme se masturbe trop ? - Chastifyme

How do you know if your man is masturbating too much?

Today we are addressing a crucial topic in the world of controlled chastity: the frequency of male masturbation and its influence on submission dynamics, particularly when it comes to the use of a ...

GuidesPrenez les Rênes de votre couple avec la Cage de Chasteté - Chastifyme

Take the reins of your relationship with the Chastity Cage

Navigating the complexity of today's relationships can be a challenge for everyone. We are in the 21st century, customs and mentalities are constantly and rapidly evolving. Managing relationships a...

Infos & AstucesRavivez Votre Couple: L'Incroyable Impact de la Chasteté Masculine - Chastifyme

Revive Your Relationship: The Incredible Impact of Male Chastity

In life as a couple, some of us experience routine as a haven of peace while others experience it as a trap. For my wife Adèle, and myself, our intimate life which has always been rhythmic and plea...

Infos & AstucesLe pouvoir de l'orgasme ruiné - Chastifyme

The power of the ruined orgasm

Dear reader, I am going to talk to you today about a practice that intrigues, fascinates and sometimes even frightens in the world of chastity; I want to talk to you today about ruined orgasm. Imag...

The ultimate guide to a successful Locktober 2023.

The Lockto what? Locktober, a contraction of “ lock ” and “ october ” (October), is a challenge of deprivation of masculine pleasures. To put it simply, it involves wearing a chastity cage for ...

How to prepare your body before wearing your chastity cage?

Wearing a chastity cage requires a little mental and physical preparation. It would be a shame to launch passionately into this sensual experience and end it due to technical inconveniences that c...

How my submissive lost 11 kilos in just 5 months!

Hello, dear reader! Today, I want to tell you about a delicious experiment carried out on my lovely husband. As everyone knows, the new year is a time for good resolutions. That of our couple ...

Chastifyme enters 2023!

Welcome to the world of Chastifyme, the high-end online store dedicated to the sale of chastity cages. Whether you are a simple amateur or a veteran of chastity practices, we want the best for y...