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Article: How to put on a chastity cage?

How to put on a chastity cage?

You are finally ready to put on your chastity cage after so much waiting. Regardless of how you came to this decision, you probably want to know how to go about it for your first time. Here is my detailed guide to help you put on your chastity cage. It is very simple. Prepare to embrace your true submissive nature .

1. Prepare your body and mind

First of all, I advise you to shave your penis and pubis . A well-fitted cage is more comfortable and you are less likely to snag hair or a piece of skin when adjusting. Take a shower and clean your body thoroughly , especially under the foreskin, because once the cage is in place, cleaning will be more complicated. This ritual allows you to mentally prepare yourself and be fully present in the process of frustration and submission.

Think about the agreement you made, whether with yourself or with your dominatrix. What are the objectives and rules? Make a contract with yourself. Which cage, for how long, are you allowed to take breaks or is it 24/7? Answer these questions before locking your chastity cage to avoid unnecessary apprehension and doubt.

If you have a partner, he becomes your keyholder , your keyholder. Make sure you both agree on what this entails. A chastity contract can be very helpful in clarifying things. We have detailed information and a sample contract on our site to help you. [PROMOTION LINK: Example of chastity contract on our site.]

By accepting your chastity cage, you can finally say goodbye to your uncontrolled urges, your aggressiveness and your misplaced ego. In addition, you will also be able to control your premature ejaculation, allowing you to fully concentrate on your submission and on the pleasure of your dominatrix.

2. Put on the ring

Step 1: Adjust the Ring. Hold the ring close to your body. Push each testicle through the ring, one after the other. It may be a little difficult the first few times, but take your time.

Step 2: Pass the Penis through the Ring. Make sure your penis is completely flaccid. Although it may be difficult to suppress your excitement the first time, try to relax. Bend your penis down to fit it into the ring. Pass the glans through the ring, just above the testicles. Pull the penis into place.

Step 3: Check the Fit. Check that the top of the ring is aligned with your body. Make sure the ring does not irritate your skin and is comfortably placed.

3. Put on the cage

The ring is in place, you are relaxed and ready for the next big step.

Step 1: Apply Lubricant. Take some lubricant and apply it to the glans if necessary.

Step 2: Align the Cage. Take the cage and align it with your penis. Start placing the cage on your glans while aligning the pins on the cage with the holes in the ring.

Step 3: Insert the Penis into the Cage. By pushing the cage, the lubricant will help your glans move up along the cage.

Step 4: Check the Fit. Be careful not to pinch your skin! Correctly align all the pieces so that they fit together perfectly.

4. Lock and return keys

Are you ready to take the final step? While the first steps were physical, this one requires real mental strength. Your cage is now in place, it is time to secure it, free yourself from your will and cede control of your penis to your dominatrix.

Your lock can take different forms, the most common being the padlock and the integrated locking tube. Insert the copper lock into the cage and lock it in place with the key.

This step can be carried out by you or by your partner. Your partner may want to watch you lock the cage, then hand you the key, or take control at this point. Secure the lock in place, remove the key and give it to your partner. If you are alone, put the key in a safe place, for example in a key box, a cupboard, or in the office, out of sight. [PROMOTION LINK: Products to secure your chastity cage.]

Now that you've successfully put on your cage, think back to your chastity goals while adapting to this new sensation and the mental change it represents.

5. Submit

Now that your chastity cage is in place and secure, you are ready to embark on a life of intense frustration, an experience that will quickly become an addiction. Each day spent in chastity will remind you of your commitment and dedication, pushing you to explore new depths of submission. This sensation, strange at first, will become a source of pleasure and excitement that you will learn to love like a drug. Welcome to your new life as a submissive.


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Какие существуют методы профилактики появления папиллом?
Для профилактики появления папиллом рекомендуется поддерживать высокий уровень гигиены, избегать контакта с инфицированными поверхностями, использовать индивидуальные предметы личной гигиены и регулярно посещать врача для осмотра кожи. Важную роль играет укрепление иммунной системы через правильное питание и здоровый образ жизни.
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